It was Christmas Eve and everyone was finally sleeping. :-) Here is the site before I slipped upstairs to bed.
I absolutely love christmas morning...the excitement and awe in the little ones faces. Raina was standing there rubbing her eyes, and said matter of factly "I knew it!! I knew it!!" and yes she had said Santa told her he was bringing a dollhouse. The Jeep was a huge hit too..normally we do not have too huge gifts laid out from Santa but this year Grandma decided to spoil her a little and sent the dollhouse, and i thought it would have a much bigger impact put together than wrapped in a box that didnt even sport a colored photo. :-) I was right... ;-)
The biggger kids were pretty happy too, a check payable to her, Kalynn was thrilled with the cash gift along with her camcorder. Nicholas had sold his PS2 system and games to save up for a PS3, however, we surprised him was a great christmas this year. We have been blessed....many thanks for all of these blessings.